
Our main line begins in Modesto, California, at our interchange with Union Pacific near downtown and extends east along the northern border of the Beard Industrial District. The line runs parallel to Highway 132 / Yosemite Boulevard as far east as Empire, California, to our connection with BNSF – for a total of 5 main-line miles. Having a connection with both of these Class I railroads provides industries served by M&ET the ability to negotiate competitive rates and also allows for the movement of rail shipments between customers on our line and any other rail location in the United States, Canada, and Mexico.

M&ET’s 48.7 miles of industry track serving the Beard Industrial District, branch off the main line, another line from the south side, and two separate north-south yards.  In total, we operate on nearly 53.7 miles of main line, yard and industry tracks.  Our Riverside Yard and our McClure Yard allow us to service industries on the west and east side of the District, respectively.  Our McClure Yard houses the heart of the M&ET — its “round-house” and Operations Department at 641 S. McClure Road, Modesto, California (209-576-6710 or 209-524-4635).

With the use of nine Railpower GenSets, and two re-powered SW 1500’s, M&ET is unique in its operations and efficient in its service—with support from employees and train crews—allowing M&ET to meet customers’ expectations.  M&ET interchanges daily with both BNSF and UP, and provides daily-switching service to all industries on our line, and we are capable of handling 286,000 gross-weight carloads from those industries.

M&ET provides rail service to nearly 50 customers in the Beard Industrial District.  A brief list of industries served by M&ET includes:  Del Monte, E & J Gallo Winery, Frito-Lay, G3 Enterprises, Georgia-Pacific, Nestle, Sierra Pacific Distribution, and Stanislaus Food Products Company.